Home Support Services (CHSP)
The Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) funds ECHO Empowering Services to provide Home Maintenance, Social Support, Domestic Assistance, and Transport to aged clients living at home.
To access CHSP Aged Care services, you must first be registered with My Aged Care. You can register online at www.myagedcare.gov.au or call 1800 200 422.
Following registration with My Aged Care you will be assessed, either over the phone or face-to-face. This is your opportunity to talk with the assessor about your needs.
Services Available
Domestic Services
Do you have trouble doing domestic chores like vacuuming, mopping, laundry and dishwashing? If household tasks are overwhlelming you, our Domestic Assistants can help!
Social Support
Would you like someone to accompany you to appointments, shopping, or even social outings? If you are feeling socially isolated, one of our Social Support team could assist.
Home Maintenance
Do you have trouble changing a light bulb or the battery in your smoke alarm? Are your garden paths getting slippery, or is your lawn or garden out of control? Our Home Maintenance Workers would be happy to help!
Reliable transport for access to important tasks such as shopping and medical appointments is essential. ECHO has both a scheduled bus service and a smaller van to provide transport services to our CHSP clients.